Çiğdem INAN
is an interdisciplinary social scientist with teaching and research focuses on affect theory, migration and border studies, queer-feminist and decolonial philosophies, post-structuralism and critical race theory. Inan is currently working – under the title “The Other of the Affective” – on a research project on ante-politics of the affective which explores the entanglements of dispossession and affectivity and analyses their reciprocal transgression. Interpreted both in terms of a critique of power and an analytics of resistance, categories such as affectivity, difference, situatedness, counter-violence and time are discussed in the context of affective dispossession within colonial-capitalist modernity. Inscribing their power of transgression into an ontology of fugitivity, Çiğdem Inan analyses the productions of unruly affectivity, sensual refusal and aesthetic-political lines of flight in diasporic-migrant spaces.
Inan is member of the publishing collective b_books (Berlin) and editor of the book series and publication platform re:fuse, in which Inan recently co-edited the German translation of C.L.R. James's The Black Jacobins. Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian Revolution. The series has been continued with the publication of Lauren Berlant’s Cruel Optimism (2024) in German translation, and the still forthcoming translation of Sylvia Wynter’s We Must Learn to Sit Down Together and Talk About a Little Culture: Decolonising Essays 1967-1984. Inan has taught, among others, at Humboldt University Berlin, the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, and the Freiburg University of Education; currently, she is associated to the DFG Network Gender, Media and Affect.
Inan’s most recent publications are “Opfer-Täter*innen-Umkehrungen, enteignete Verletzbarkeit und andere Affizierungen”, in Solingen, 30 Jahre nach dem Brandanschlag. Rassismus, extrem rechte Gewalt und die Narben einer vernachlässigten Aufarbeitung, ed. B. Demirtas, A. Schmitz, D. Gür-Seker, Ç. Kahveci, (transcript, 2023); “Affekttheoretische Perspektiven auf Rassismus”, in Rassismusforschung I. Theoretische und interdisziplinäre Perspektiven, ed. National Discrimination and Racism Monitor (transcript Verlag 2023); “‘Not this time’. On the Dispossession of Grief”, in Texte zur Kunst, no. 127, special issue on mourning, co-ed. Çiğdem Inan (June 2022).